About us
オイリュトミスト・ダンサーの鯨井謙太郒と定方まことによって2010年に結成。共に笠井叡主宰の天使館にてオイリュトミー、ダンスの研鑽を重ねる。東京、仙台を中心に舞台公演やワークショップ活動、トークイベント、YouTubeラジオ放送室『密談』など多岐に渡る活動を展開。これまでに『血と雪』『時代の未明から来たるべきものへ』『親愛なるアルトーさんへ"Pour M.Artaud"』『ノイエ オイリュトミー・パフォーマンス 喉』など、オイリュトミーの枠にとどまらない新たなパフォーミング・アーツの可能性を探究した作品を発表。2021年からは『即狂空間』と名づけたセッション・ライヴ企画も立ち上げる。
CORVUS:was organized by Kentaro Kujirai and Makoto Sadakata, who have performed eurythmie as members of Akira Kasai Company for years, after completing the four-year eurythmie course at Tenshikan. Since 2010, CORVUS has explored the possibilities of eurythmie as performing arts by producing various performances, all of which are closely related to the conditions of the contemporary world and what lies at its depths. Its works include: 《Pour M.Artaud》(2016),《Voices of Snow》 (2013), 《Be the Evil Together with the Evil Brethren》 (2012), 《For the Things that Come from Early Dawn of an Era》 (2011 – 2012), 《Blood and Snow》 (2011), 《Psalm: Reversed Homage 》(2010). CORVUS also organizes, mainly in Tokyo and Sendai, workshops, talk sessions, studio performances.
Corvus means ‘raven’ in Latin.
鯨井謙太郒|Kentaro Kujirai
©️Sam Spicer
宮城県仙台市出身。2002年より笠井叡に師事。2010年、定方まことと「CORVUS」を結成し、舞台公演、ワークショップを中心に多面的な活動を展開。2015年よりプロジェクト団体「KENTARO KUJIRAI コンペイトウ」を主宰し、ジャンルを越境したグループ作品やソロを発表。2021年より KENTARO KUJIRAI コンペイトウ の活動を仙台と東京の二拠点化し、新たな身体芸術文化の発信を目指す。2019年、奥山ばらばとのユニット KENTARO KUJIRAI & BARABBAS OKUYAMA 名義の作品を発表。新たな世代の舞踏として海外のフェスティバルに招聘されるなど注目を集める。近年はHOMME PLISSE ISSEY MIYAKE「HARU」シリーズのモデルや2.5次元演劇など幅広く活躍。詩人、写真家、画家、音楽家、合唱団などさまざまな表現分野との協働も多い。
公式Webサイト http://kujiraikentaro.com
1980: Born in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture
2002: Began studying under the leading Butoh dancer Akira Kasai
2006: Became a main dancer & eurythmist in Kasai’s famous Tenshikan company, that takes him to many festivals in Japan and abroad
2010: Founded the dance unit CORVUS with Tenshikan colleague Makoto Sadakata
2015: Founded his own company, KENTARO KUJIRAI Konpeito, and started to collaborate with artists from other genres including the expressive movement art of eurythmy
2016: A TV documentary followed Kujirai as he created his work “Doku to Tsurugi” (“Poison and Sword”)
2018: A HUM SAN SUI won the Newcomer Prize in the annual Dance Critics Awards
2019: Received the Miyagi Prefecture Art Encouragement Award Dance Section Newcomer Award.
And started a project with Butoh artist Barabbas Okuyama called KENTARO KUJIRAI &BARABBAS OKUYAMA, which staged their dance-duo work “Hi no shi du ku” in May
In addition, Kujirai has a successful career as a fashion model and was recently appointed to represent the world-famous HOMME PLISSE ISSEY MIYAKE brand.
He has also collaborated with many artists from outside the dance world, including the poet Shuri Kido, photographer Yuriko Takagi, musician Yosuke Fujita, fashion designers, painters and choral groups.
定方まこと|Makoto Sadakata
1978年北海道生れ、新潟で育つ。1996年より笠井叡に師事。オイリュトミーシューレ天使館第二期を修了後、舞台専門課程を経て、Akira Kasai company、ペルセパッサ・オイリュトミー団等において、国内外の多数の舞台公演に出演。2010年、鯨井謙太郒と「CORVUS」を結成。東京・仙台を拠点に多方面で活動。
2011年、戦争をテーマとしたオイリュトミー公演『水晶ノ夜』を構成・演出。2015年より自主企画『名曲オイリュトミー』『オイリュトミーとピアノの会』を不定期に開催している。2019年、国立劇場企画公演『いのちの海の声が聴こえる』(構成・演出 笠井叡)、『子どもに贈りたいメルヘンオイリュトミー やまなしもぎ』(構成・演出 野口泉)等に出演。三児の父。
Makoto Sadakata, born at Hokkaido, Japan, in 1978, studied Rudolf Steiner’s eurythmie at Akira Kasai’s Eurythmie Schule Tenshi-kan from 1998 through 2002.
After completing the Fortbildung, a two-year stage performance course following the Eurythmie Schule, he went on to perform in Japan as well as Italy, Germany, Mexico, etc., with the Akira Kasai’s dance company and Persephassa Eurythmie Gruppe.
In 2010, he organized his own dance company, called “Corvus", with Kentaro Kujirai. Based in Tokyo and Sendai, he is performing and giving lessons in various places.
In 2011, he produced and directed a eurythmie performance, "Kristal Nacht”, in which he dealt with the war as its subject matter; since 2015, he has been constantly presenting his own dance pieces,"Masterpiece Eurythmie" series and "Evenings with Eurythmie and Piano" series ; in 2019, he performed in Akira Kasai’s "Hearing the Voice of the Sea of Life” at National Theater, Tokyo, and Izumi Noguchi’s "Fairy tale eurythmie for children YAMANASHIMOGI”.